Good afternoon, Loved Ones,
A little earlier this week than last, but still unable to say "Good morning!" This afternoon I look out my window and see our apple tree that is most prolific. Of the four apple trees and two pear trees in our yard there is one that produces far more fruit than all the others combined. This year looks to be a very fruitful year. That particular tree is full of green golf ball sized apples and is already beginning to sag under the load. What an amazing thing! I can already taste the apple crisp, pies, applesauce and the simple, juicy goodness of the apples. One of the evening Psalms for the day speak of faithful people as trees. This and other passages remind us that we are to be "fruity" -- producing good fruit in our lives of faith.
Psalm 1 (The Message)
How well God must like you— you don't hang out at Sin Saloon, you don't slink along Dead-End Road,
you don't go to Smart-Mouth College.
2-3 Instead you thrill to God's Word,
you chew on Scripture day and night.
You're a tree replanted in Eden,
bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
always in blossom.
Thank God for a real winter and a real spring. For slow-soaking snows all winter long and abundant spring rains nourishing winter wheat, apples and everything in between.
Thank God for the warmth of summer finally arrived. For a little sweat, the sounds of birds, crickets, toads and motorcycles.
Thank God for God's tree named Kent Parrett who is singlehandedly renovating the basement of the church into a place of welcome for our summer program kids and staff as well as the hundreds of YouthWorks kids and adults who will be sojourning with us throughout the summer.
Thank God for the steadfast hope of youth like those in the Kansas/Missouri DREAM Alliance who are working and risking their own welfare to make life better for millions of children and young people. Thank God that Yahaira is out of detention. But keep her in your prayers because she now faces deportation.
Thank God for the synergy of Creation, Redemption and Sustenance. May we all find ourselves swept up in, enmeshed with, enfleshed into the essence of the Three-In-One who Lives, Moves and Breathes in our world and in our lives.
Thank God for all of you trees out there of every type, bearing fruit in season and out, always in blossom.
Gimme cinco or seis or ocho or diez!
Look for your bag of apples in September!
Pastor Rick