Our scripture for the day is a small portion of one of the lectionary passages for this Sunday. The entire passage is Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16.
Hebrews 13:1-2
1-2Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it's needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!The challenge of being held together by love seems to have a connection to hospitality. In the times when relationships are strained and stretched, hospitality may be the best and only medicine.
I give thanks for . . .
. . . the act of generosity from the family of Misa who last Sunday provided a meal for the congregation when one was not available. Hospitality often comes form the 'new' person.
. . . Pastor Alfonso who goes above and beyond the call of a pastor by seeing that the trash gets where it needs to be, enlisting folks like Hugo, Veronica, Luis, Telma and many others to join him in cleaning the church, and working each day to make the church a place of welcome for all people.
. . . my grandparents, the Behrens, the Davidson's and the Nelson's (three sets of grandparents - one of the benefits of having a step-dad!). Grandparents have hospitality figured out. I remember delicious rice and toast at G-ma & G-pa Davidsons, Saturday nights with Yahtzee games and 'comfortable' couch-beds at G-ma & G-pa Behrens and Lincoln Logs and fried chicken at G-ma & G-pa Nelsons.
. . . the incredible welcome and hospitality offered every Wednesday night in homes that are opened for weekly prayer group. Prayers, songs, food and fellowship.
. . . all those who have offered unmerited hospitality to me in my 50 years. I give thanks that hospitality is an act of faith that can heal and strengthen us.
My prayer today is that we would learn from all those who have acted in faith and offered hospitality to angels.
Gimme cinco.
Pastor Rick