Monday, December 7, 2009

Buckets of Salvation

Good Monday, Loved Ones,

Your gratitude offering comes early this week. I'll be out of town until Thursday night and am disconnecting from cyberspace. So, please respond this week when you can.
Our inspiration this week comes from Isaiah.

Isaiah 12:2-6 (The Message)

2"Yes, indeed—God is my salvation.
I trust, I won't be afraid.
God—yes God!—is my strength and song,
best of all, my salvation!"

3-4Joyfully you'll pull up buckets of water
from the wells of salvation.
And as you do it, you'll say,
"Give thanks to God.
Call out his name.
Ask him anything!
Shout to the nations, tell them what he's done,
spread the news of his great reputation!

5-6"Sing praise-songs to God. He's done it all!
Let the whole earth know what he's done!
Raise the roof! Sing your hearts out, O Zion!
The Greatest lives among you: The Holy of Israel."

Today I raise the roof because . . .

. . . Kent Parrett took time and used his skills to produce a stained glass nativity scene for the front of the church. Can't wait to see it during the candlelight service.

. . . Javier Ruiz has agreed to fill in and coach Los Tiburones Tuesday evening weather permitting. Baby it's cold outside!

. . . Jim and Carolyn Mallinson, with dogs in tow, escaped a deadly, devastating fire at their home outside Sedalia Friday night. They lost everything but the clothes on their backs. Please keep them in your prayers.

. . . Bump Haynes continues to receive good reports in his health struggles. Keep praying.

. . . Alexander Jeffrey Dean's surgery was successful and he has begun the long and challenging process of healing and rehabilitation. Keep him and his mom, Amy, and dad, Greg, in your prayers.

. . . good folks at United Access handicapped equipment rented us a van at 1/2 price to get Alex home from the hospital on Friday. This would have been a very difficult task without the van's special equipment. Their generosity and compassion made the move a breeze.

OK, I pulled up one extra bucket of salvation water. What do you have the strength to pull up from your wells of salvation this week. Let's raise the roof with our heartfelt gratitude.

Pastor Rick

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