Another day to express your gratitude. Psalm 138 is a great song of thanks.
Psalm 138 (The Message)
1-3 Thank you! Everything in me says "Thank you!" Angels listen as I sing my thanks.I kneel in worship facing your holy temple
and say it again: "Thank you!"
Thank you for your love,
thank you for your faithfulness;
Most holy is your name,
most holy is your Word.
The moment I called out, you stepped in;
you made my life large with strength.
Today I am thankful for . . .
. . . new construction. KU School of Architecture students who are building a new passive/green home around the corner from the church. The first new home in our neighborhood in 40-60 years.
. . . open arteries. Two successful heart procedures for my mother and father over the past two weeks. Two caths and a total of five stints between the two of them.
. . . people who say, "Yes!" -- to serving lunch, to serving as church officers, to serving coffee in the street, to serving . . .
. . . people who say, "Good morning!" "Como estas?" "Thank you!" "Da nada!" "Can I help you?" "Dios te bendiga!" with eye contact and a smile.
. . . connections and divine synergy - happening all around me!
Have a great day and gimme cinco!
Pastor Rick
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