Must confess to having spent the last 2 hours glued to ESPN watching the USA's last minute victory over Algeria in the World Cup. After having been denied a victory against Slovenia when the ref wrongfully disallowed a goal, having a similar moment happen early in today's game, the team persisted and at the right moment in the 92nd minute their persistence paid off. Without the goal, the tournament would have been over for the US. As it is, they go on to the knock out round of 16. I must admit that I am glad I am communicating via email at the moment because I blew out my voice, first in despair and then in glorious celebration.
One of the daily lectionary passages for tomorrow is a favorite of many.
Romans 5:3-5 (The Message)
There's more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we're never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can't round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!It's easy to believe the truth of this passage when you win the game in the 92nd minute. A bit harder when the goal doesn't come and a dream comes to an end. But the passage reminds us that troubles will come, that patience comes out of trouble, and character or virtue then leads us to hope. And we end up finding our lives full of God's grace.
I thank the Lord today for . . .
. . . moments of ecstatic joy when, in spite of troubles and challenges, patience endures and character produces the hoped for Goooooooooooooooooooooooal!
. . . Grandview Park Church which has endured many trials and struggles and yet has developed a passionate patience and determined character and has not only survived, but thrived when and where many others have given up. There are definitely not enough containers to hold everything God has poured into the life of GPPC in 121 years.
. . . the many who are suffering on the gulf coast and yet are persevering to do what is necessary to move forward and clean up what seems an insurmountable disaster. May their faith stay strong.
. . . the faithful 'perseverers' in small town/rural America who fight against long odds and a long list of challenges to build their communities and live in "alert expectancy." Their struggles are not unlike the struggles urban neighborhoods face.
. . . youth, like many in our church, who are persisting in doing the right thing educationally even though the current immigration laws have put a seemingly insurmountable wall in front of them. A wall that will deny them the ability to work, get a driver's license and, even in some states, attend a state university. They have shown immeasurable patience and character. Now we are alert for what God will do next!
Troubles + Patience + Character = Hope
Gimme Cinco!
Pastor "Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole! Ole!" Rick
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