Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Peace To You

Good Morning Loved Ones,

For those of us whom this day are feeling the pain of rendering unto Caesar, an extra measure of grace and peace. Today's passage for reflection is from John's gospel. It is part of the lectionary passage for this Sunday.

John 20:19-23 (The Message)

To Believe
19-20Later on that day, the disciples had gathered together, but, fearful of the Jews, had locked all the doors in the house. Jesus entered, stood among them, and said, "Peace to you." Then he showed them his hands and side.
20-21The disciples, seeing the Master with their own eyes, were exuberant. Jesus repeated his greeting: "Peace to you. Just as the Father sent me, I send you."
22-23Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said. "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good. If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?"

We are too often locked up in rooms of fear and doubt. To be visited by the risen Jesus is to be challenged to receive new life and a new calling. Jesus breathes his life into us and we receive peace and the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Spirit has something to do with the power to forgive.

1) Today I give thanks for the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in my friends, family, neighbors and even my enemies. I give thanks for all those who have forgiven me and allowed me to have new life and a fresh start.

2) Today I give thanks for those who work to bring peace through non-violent methods. I give thanks for parents who find the strong will to discipline without hitting or yelling. I give thanks for those who work so hard to bring peace through words and actions of hope and accountability. I give thanks for the Holy Spirit who is always at work through us to bring about reconciliation and shalom.

3) I give thanks for two strangers and two friends who helped to start my day with peace and welcome. I give thanks for the person who walked in the bank before me and stopped to hold the door and offer a smile. I give thanks for the person I passed on the sidewalk who raised her head, smiled and said, "Good morning." I give thanks for Barbara at the bank who always is the first to ask me to come to her desk and is ready to smile and ask about Sam. And yes, I even give thanks for our tax preparer, Don, who this morning at 8 am on a challenging day was smiling and laughing and delivered our bad news with a measure of grace.

4) I give thanks for phone calls from Sam that can come at anytime and for his readiness and willingness to share what's going on in his life with his crazy old parents.

5) I give thanks for the time I get to spend with Lucas in the car, at soccer practice, staying up late and watching exciting champions cup matches on a school/work night, the occasional sharing of music leadership on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and the nightly ritual of "Goodnight. Te amo." at bedtime.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is precious and changes our lives from the inside out. Let's give thanks today for this Gift of all gifts.

"Peace to you."

Pastor Rick

Dont forget!
Prayer group tonight at Stella Perez apartment. Call for directions or to car pool (816-807-6931)
Prayer group tomorrow night at the Parrett's home 117 S. Tremont St. 66101

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