Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two Minutes a Day

Good Morning, Loved Ones,

A bit more evidence that writing about your life has benefits. From the Christian Century, April 7, 2009:

"Researchers have known there are health benefits from journaling, whether the writing is about good experiences or traumatic ones. Researchers at the University of Missouri concluded that it doesn't take much writing to matter: they saw results after only two minutes of writing for two days. (British Journal of Health, October 30, 2007)"

The Psalmists and the biblical writers must have experienced this benefit. They were not afraid to write about the whole of life, good, bad and everything in between. Isaiah writes about the Suffering Servant and, although he was writing about the coming One, clearly he writes as one who has experienced suffering.

Isaiah 50:4-9 (The Message)

4-9The Master, God, has given me
a well-taught tongue,
So I know how to encourage tired people.
He wakes me up in the morning,
Wakes me up, opens my ears
to listen as one ready to take orders.
The Master, God, opened my ears,
and I didn't go back to sleep,
didn't pull the covers back over my head.
I followed orders,
stood there and took it while they beat me,
held steady while they pulled out my beard,
Didn't dodge their insults,
faced them as they spit in my face.
And the Master, God, stays right there and helps me,
so I'm not disgraced.
Therefore I set my face like flint,
confident that I'll never regret this.
My champion is right here.
Let's take our stand together!
Who dares bring suit against me?
Let him try!
Look! the Master, God, is right here.
Who would dare call me guilty?
Look! My accusers are a clothes bin of threadbare
socks and shirts, fodder for moths!

1) I give thanks for the challenges of ministry, the disappointments, the misunderstandings, the conflicts, the frustrations, the lack of financial resources, the opposition to the Good News. It is in the midst of these challenges that God's love and presence is made real and we are given sustenance in the wilderness of doubt.

2) I give thanks for sustaining moments I was able to share with Luke and Sam over the last two weeks during their spring breaks; moments of work, play and relaxation as well as sharing musical moments in the company of the faithful.

3) I give thanks for the chance to help in the office remodel at iSmile KCK. The tiring work of painting was frustrating at times, but it is a pleasure to be able able to look at a painted room and see a job completed.

4) I give thanks for our confirmation class and the sharing of leadership with Jennifer. Each week 10-15 young people are learning about "The Big Picture" of God's love.

5) I give thanks for all those I know who intentionally seek to make the reality of God present with questions, prayers, music, art and sharing their lives. (That's all of you, when you respond to Gimme Cinco!)

My Holy Week discipline for next week will be daily Gimme Cincos, Monday-Friday. Feel free to respond as often as you like. Don't forget that just two minutes a day makes a difference!

Don't pull the covers back over your head! Get out there and make the reality of God present.

Pastor Rick

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