As the Thanksgiving holiday rapidly approaches, perhaps our Gimme Cinco discipline will gather strength. Today a hymn verse:
For the beauty of each hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,
Sun and moon and stars of light,
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our grateful hymn of praise.
I give thanks for Karina's beautiful 'hour' on Saturday. For a celebration in which all could share. A quincenera full of solid worship, great food and joyful dance.
I give thanks for Richard who enacted our "Intimate, Open and Bold" message Sunday by raising his hand in the middle of the sermon and asking a question that was on his mind. What an incredible blessing to have young people engaged in worship!
I give thanks for Jennifer who remembers a great 'hour' she had at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium 12 years ago and has encouraged many of our youth to be a part of next Summer's gathering of 7000 youth.
I give thanks for Public Square Communities, Pastor Terry's ministry to small towns and communities. Thousands of people's lives are being changed and the 'hour' for their yearly gathering is this Thursday and Friday in Hutchison, KS.
I give thanks that Lou Dobbs 'hour' on CNN has come to close. No matter where he goes or what he does in the future, at least he won't have the CNN banner to give him credence. Thank God that one bully's voice has been silenced, if only for a few 'minutes.'
The big Day is approaching. Has the Gimme Cinco discipline given you any new insights into gratitude? What 'hours' are you thankful for?
Pastor Rick
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