November 15, 2009
Shots fired on Tuesday night . . .
In front of the church . . .
By a member of the church . . .
By one of our own . . .
By someone whom we love . . .
By someone in whom we have invested much time and hope . . .
Makes you want to scream . . .
Makes you want to get on your knees and punch the ground . . .
Shootings at 18th & Central . . .
Healthcare bills that don’t even consider 12 million people . . .
Fears being spread through people of faith that the economy will collapse . . .
Darkness and clouds and winter sets in and the light of the sun slants away from us . . .
Sometimes it seems that evil is having its way with us.
And we are tempted to lose hope . . .
We are tempted to throw in the towel . . .
Sometimes we are tempted to forget . . .
To forget all that we have shared together . . .
To forget all that God has taught us . . .
But the author of Hebrews wants us to remember.
We are called to remember . . .
To remember that we are part of a new way of living . . .
We are invited to live in an intimate relationship with the God of all creation.
Remember that Jesus has made it possible for us to draw near to God.
We can walk right up to God, right up to the Holy Place . . .
Because of Jesus.
Not because we are good . . .
Not because we do all the right things . . .
Not because we are anywhere close to perfect . . .
Only because Jesus has opened the door for us . . .
Jesus makes it possible for us to come to God and cry out and know that we have been heard.
Know that this Holy Parent will see us through the worst of times.
Because of Jesus we can be intimate with the God of all creation.
Because of Jesus we can be open with the God of all creation.
Because of Jesus we can even be bold with the God of all creation.
Intimacy – Its something sadly lacking in our world today.
Oftentimes our culture equates intimacy with sexuality.
But intimacy is the relationship a mother has with a child.
Intimacy is a husband and wife freely talking with each other about their fears, hopes and dreams.
Intimacy is brothers and sisters in Christ working elbow to elbow in the kitchen in service.
Intimacy is friendship, true friendship that hopes all things, believes all things and endures all
This is the kind of relationship we have been invited to with God.
Intimacy with the God of the Universe . . .
Openness is a part of that intimate relationship.
When you have intimacy with a friend you are free to be open.
When you are angry, you can complain.
When you are sad, you can weep.
When you are joyful, you can sing.
And God sings, weeps and complains right along with you.
Just like your best friend.
Just like a loving spouse.
Just like good mother.
And bold.
We can be bold with God.
Because we are intimate and open we don’t have to be afraid to ask.
We can be bold with new ideas, with new activities, with living new life in the face of despair and
And so, the writer of Hebrews says, because we have this intimate, open and bold relationship
with God through Jesus . . .
Because we know God like a best friend, like a loving spouse, like a good mother . . .
We can always move forward no matter what the circumstances.
We “keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going.” (The Message)
But Hebrews reminds us that it’s not just about you and your relationship with God.
The writer goes on to say that the confidence we get from our relationship with God, makes us
cheerleaders for one another.
We are to be inventive, provocative, bold in our love for each other.
And we are to cheer each other on to do good works.
The love we have for one another and the good works we do come from our intimate, open and
bold relationship with God, not the other way around.
We are not invited to the Holy Place because of our love and good works.
Our love and good works become real because Jesus has opened the door for us.
So, while the shots are fired . . .
While the economy crashes . . .
While our politicians ignore those in need . . .
While the darkness of winter sets in . . .
We dance.
We celebrate Karina, a young woman who has an intimate, open and bold relationship with God.
We share what we have and eat wonderful feasts together.
We do not neglect to come together.
For quinceneras . . .
For birthday parties . . .
For dinners . . .
For coffee . . .
For Bible study . . .
For prayer . . .
For worship . . .
For worship . . .
For worship . . .
Because of Jesus.
He is our best friend.
He is our loving spouse.
He is our good parent.
Be intimate.
Be open.
Be bold.
No matter what happens.
God is with you.
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