November 29, 2009
Heads up.
Stand tall.
Pay attention.
These are the three points of my sermon today.
Shall we call it a message and head toward lunch?
This is the first Sunday of the Advent season.
The Advent season is a time of waiting and hoping.
It’s the first Sunday of the church year.
And what does the scripture describe this beginning Sunday?
The End.
The End, which in reality is a new beginning.
Have I got you totally confused yet?
Well, don’t be.
It’s very simple.
Heads up!
Stand tall!
Pay attention!
In this scripture today, Jesus wants us to be ready.
The world is a tumultuous place.
Tomorrow is always a question mark.
But when faced with the question of tomorrow Jesus says . . .
Heads up.
Stand tall.
Pay attention.
Apocalyptic movies are big these days.
2012, The Road, The Mist, The Happening, I Am Legend, Zombie Movies abound.
This passage from Luke’s gospel would be a great start for a screenplay.
“It will seem like all hell has broken loose sun, moon, stars, earth, sea, in an uproar and everyone all over the world in a panic, the wind knocked out of them by the threat of doom, the powers-that-be quaking.” (Luke 21:2-5-26, The Message)
For 2000 years people have believed this was their story.
Wars, rumors of wars, plagues, hurricanes, financial meltdowns . . .
All lead us to believe that this must be it . . .
. . . the beginning of the end.
When Luke wrote this gospel the temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed.
It seemed the beginning of the end.
When Rome was sacked it seemed like the beginning of the end.
When the Black Death hit Europe it seemed like the beginning of the end.
When the planes hit the twin towers it seemed like the beginning of the end.
When these things happens, Jesus says . . .
Heads up!
Stand tall!
Pay attention!
Keep your heads up!
Don’t stop looking up just because bad things are happening.
Don’t start walking around with your head down, fearful that the next axe will fall on you (even though it might).
Be optimistic because you have reason to be optimistic.
You can be optimistic in all circumstances because you know the end of the story is the beginning of the story.
Keep your head up.
Stand tall.
Stand tall in the face of trouble and persecution.
Don’t let the intimidation and fear that comes with bad events stop you from doing what is right.
Stand up for justice, for peace, for reconciliation and hope when others are acting out of fear and retribution.
Stand tall.
Pay attention.
Don’t get caught napping.
Don’t let your faith get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. (The Message)
Keep your eyes open to what needs to be done while others are at Macys.
Pay attention.
Little apocalypses can happen in our lives day to day.
The wind can get knocked out of our lives so quickly.
We can't say what will happen tomorrow.
At any moment our world could come crashing down around us.
Yes, the world get s turned upside down for someone every single day—
. . . the death of a child or parent or spouse,
. . . a divorce
. . . a pink slip,
. . . a few little words from a doctor,
. . . a visit from Immigration Customs Enforcement.
The time will come when things like this will happen to you and to me.
How will we respond?
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years of his life in prison.
He spent that time in prison because he was committed to justice, hope & reconciliation.
During the worst years of South Africa’s reign of apartheid evil, Mandela was in prison.
He endured and came out of prison to lead the country toward reconciliation.
These are his words:
“I have found that one can bear the unbearable if one can keep spirits strong even when the body is being tested. Strong convictions are the secret of surviving deprivation. Your spirit can be full even when your stomach is empty. I always knew that some day I would once again feel the grass under my feet and walk in the sunshine as a free man. I am fundamentally an optimist. Part of being an optimist is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward.”
Jesus tells us that in the end is the beginning.
In fact, Jesus’ death was the beginning.
As we point ourselves toward celebrating his birth, let’s not forget the real beginning.
The birth of a tiny Baby is the beginning of the end.
And the End is the beginning of God’s Kingdom without end.
So, no matter what happens tomorrow ‘keep your head pointed toward the sun.’
Heads up!
Stand tall!
Pay attention!
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